Australia’s population of people 85+ will double by 2035
May 17, 2023

Australia’s population of people 85+ will double by 2035

In the next decade, Australia is set to witness a remarkable transformation in its demographic landscape, as the number of people aged 85+ is projected to skyrocket.

In the next decade, Australia is set to witness a remarkable transformation in its demographic landscape, as the number of people aged 85+ is projected to skyrocket. By 2035, this extraordinary age group will double, reaching an astounding one million people. The implications of this demographic shift are far-reaching, demanding a profound adaptation from the property industry to cater to the evolving needs of its residents.

In this era of rapid population ageing, the property sector finds itself at a pivotal crossroads, where innovation and responsiveness become paramount. It is no longer sufficient to merely construct buildings and developments; instead, we must envision spaces that are genuinely inclusive, safeguarding accessibility, safety, and support for people of all ages and abilities. This transformation heralds an exciting opportunity to redefine the way we design and shape our cities, ensuring they become havens that cater to the aspirations and requirements of every individual.

To embark on this journey towards inclusive urban living, we must harness the power of real-time data and analytics. By wielding these potent tools, we can empower ourselves to build cities and communities that seamlessly adapt to the diverse needs of their inhabitants. Real-time data provides invaluable insights into the nuances and dynamics of urban life, enabling us to make informed decisions and craft environments that foster inclusivity and well-being.

In this pursuit of creating age-friendly communities, Neighbourlytics emerges as a game-changing ally. Our cutting-edge platform offers a robust toolkit, allowing you to gauge your progress towards becoming more age-friendly and identify specific areas that require meaningful improvement.

With Neighbourlytics as your guide, you can navigate the complex landscape of property development, ensuring that your efforts yield tangible and positive outcomes for the entire community.

Insights you can expect to find

By collecting and analysing data on a range of factors, from behavioural movement to amenity mix, Neighbourlytics provides insights into how well a community is meeting the needs of its ageing population:

Assessing the amenity mix:
By analysing data on the availability of community amenities, Neighbourlytics can help identify areas where more resources are needed to support an ageing population.

Improving accessibility:  
Neighbourlytics’ behavioural data can provide insight into how car dependent a community is.  Car-dependent suburbs can result in a faster decline in mobility due to people staying home more, resulting in higher levels of loneliness.

Facilitating social activity:  
Understanding a community’s unique lifestyle and interests and how they like to connect enables the creation of places that foster social connection and can create high relevance for locals.

Neighbourlytics enables the property industry to learn from best practices in Australia and overseas to cater for an ageing population.

Easy steps to put into action

Here are some steps for using the Neighbourlytics platform to adapt to the changing needs of an ageing neighbourhood:

Define your age-friendly neighbourhood:
The first step is to define what an age-friendly neighbourhood means for your unique community.  You can consider the World Health Organisation’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Framework as a starting point.   This framework identifies eight domains that are important for creating age-friendly environments, including outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community support and health services.

Collect neighbourhood data:
Once you have defined what an age-friendly neighbourhood means for your community, the next step is to collect data to measure how well your neighbourhood performs in each of the domains. Neighbourlytics provides tools to collect and analyse data on a range of indicators, including lifestyle, social activity, and access to amenities and services.

Diagnose new opportunities with your data insights:
After collecting your data, you can use the Neighbourlytics’ Insights Dashboard to identify areas of strength and opportunities in your neighbourhood’s age-friendliness.  For example, you might find that the neighbourhood has good access to public transport but lacks social infrastructure such as community centres.

Develop an action plan:
Based on the data analysis, you can develop an evidence-based action plan to improve the neighbourhood’s age-friendliness. This may involve identifying specific interventions, such as creating more public spaces for socialising, fostering community organisations or improving access to healthcare services.

Track your progress:
Finally, you can use the Neighbourlytics platform to track your progress and evaluate the impact of your projects.  This might include looking at how visitation has increased over time or what types of lifestyle activities have increased or decreased to make adjustments accordingly.

Neighbourlytics provides a comprehensive platform to help the local government and the property industry create more age-friendly neighbourhoods by measuring and improving amenity provision and social sustainability.

By following these steps, you can leverage the Neighbourlytics platform to make your community more inclusive and welcoming for people of all ages.  Discover the difference Neighbourlytics data can bring to your development projects and precincts.

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