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Think of a place where you love to spend time. It might be your local main street, the neighbourhood where you grew up, or a favourite holiday spot.

These places we love and feel connected to have distinctive personalities, they’re memorable.

We know that the best local places are vibrant and complex, they are authentic, and offer unique experiences. But the challenge facing city-makers is how to measure the ‘urban life’ we are seeking to create.

How can we quantify the nuances of local identity, and how do we know if our plans and strategies are getting it right?

Traditional (usually static) data sets are often not enough.

The census only tells the story of residents, and can be outdated before it’s even released.

Consumer research focuses on generalisations rather than diversity.

Community engagement processes can struggle to reach enough people to uncover the nuances of what’s unique and special about a local place.

Unlike postcode level statistics, this data is nuanced and hyper localised, making it highly valuable to urban planning, and understanding the evolution of places over time.

The Neighbourlytics Platform has three main interfaces.


Discover is a national suburb search tool where you can view key socio-demographic and behavioural data sets across the county.

From Discover, you can generate a standard report for the highest activity area (1km radius) across the suburb.

Insights Dashboard:

A report generator with summarised the Lifestyle metrics into a easy to read and share format.  

Standard Reports can be added to your library by selecting a suburb in Discover

Expanded Reports are available on request, providing access to custom geographies, or premium data sets. 


Explorer is available as a tool with our premium Amenities data set to filter places by amenity type, time of day and day of week

You can also create smaller precinct maps within the study area.

Neighbourlytics taps into behavioural big data which is assented, aggregated and anonymised location data from mobile phones, public social media data, crowd sourced maps such as google maps, open street maps and finally we look at ratings and reviews.

Trusted by 100+ of the world's leading property developers

See the platform in action

Watch how property developers use urban life insights to understand the local community context, customer insights and amenity needs.

We combine cutting-edge data science, with best-practice urban design, to transform cities

See how customers use Neighbourlytics