Victoria Gardens Mixed Use Precinct
December 19, 2023

Victoria Gardens Mixed Use Precinct

How Salta Properties leveraged global benchmarking to create a point of difference

The challenge

Build-to-rent set in new location

Salta Properties wanted to understand local community values and behaviours to create a compelling lifestyle offer and point of difference in a Build-to-Rent project that included five towers and 426 apartments in Richmond, Victoria.

The solution

Customised data with global benchmarks

Neighbourlytics leveraged the platform’s lifestyle analysis to understand what amenities attracted people to the area and what was missing. This analysis provided powerful insights into amenity gaps based on the specific lifestyle needs of the customer.

Global benchmarks, such as the Domino Sugar Factory in New York, were set up in the platform to compare and learn from other successful developments in the Build-to-Rent sector overseas.

The impact

1. Increased connection to the river

The lifestyle analysis highlighted that public spaces in the area were under utilised with an opportunity to increase connection to the river both physically and as part of the precinct’s identity. This informed the master plan and the team incorporated a 3,000 square metre linear park connecting the five buildings.

2. Gained insights 10x faster

The Neighbourlytics insights were delivered 10x faster than other research methods, enabling the customer to quickly make decisions on the master plan and develop a business case for development approval.

3. Identified amenity gap with greater focus on hospitality offer

The data highlighted the profile of the hospitality offering wasn’t fit for purpose for the future rental tenants and Salta were able to incorporate into the plan a restaurant precinct to cater for the needs of the future tenants.

Take a look at the Richmond Lifestyle report

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